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Sobre nosotres

We are a Protestant church, part of the family of churches

that trace their roots to the 16th Century Reformation.

We are an historic church with fresh ideas and a progressive outlook.

We are part of "the church reformed, always reforming"

according to the Word of God.


Somos una iglesia protestante, parte de la familia de iglesias

que trazan sus raíces hasta la Reforma del siglo 16.

Somos una iglesia histórica con ideas frescas y una visión progresista.

Somos parte de "la iglesia reformada, siempre reformándose"

a la luz de la Palabra de Dios.


Nuestra visión

+ We affirm our unity in Christ and celebrate our diversity through worship, education, relationship, and mission.

+ Afirmamos nuestra unidad en Cristo y celebramos nuestra diversidad por medio de la adoración, la educación,

las relaciones y la misión.

Lo que hacemos

+ We meet spiritual needs through learning and action, working as reconciling agents in church and society.

+ Suplimos las necesidades espirituales por medio del aprendizaje y la acción, trabajando como agentes de reconciliación en la iglesia

y la sociedad.

Nuestra comunidad

+ We gather people from diverse walks of life and cultures, and provide opportunities for mutual understanding and service.

+ Reunimos a gente de diversos trasfondos y culturas

y proveemos oportunidades

para el entendimiento mutuo

y el servicio.

Sobre nuestra misión

We are part of the Matthew 25 movement, which focuses on Matthew 25: 31-46, the parable of the sheep and goats in which Jesus makes clear, that what we do matters to God and how we treat others is important to God.


When we welcome others, we welcome Christ; when we bring together people who are divided, we are doing God’s reconciling work. We are called to serve Jesus by contributing to the well-being of the most vulnerable in all societies – rural and urban, small and large, young and not-so-young.


Make no mistake, Jesus is calling us to perform ordinary acts of compassion in daily life. In so doing, we continue Christ’s work of proclaiming release to captives and good news to the poor — the good news of God’s righteousness, justice and peace for all.


We are temporarily sharing space with a sister congregation, Mayfair Presbyterian Church, while we sell our property and search for a more accessible space.


Estamos compartiendo espacio de forma temporera con una congregación hermana, la Iglesia Presbiteriana Mayfair, mientras vendemos nuestra propiedad y buscamos otra más accesible.


Church Office

Oficina de la Iglesia

4300 N Hermitage Ave.
Chicago, IL 60613



Temporary Location for Worship and Programs

Ubicación Temporera para el Culto

y la Programación

4358 W. Ainslie St.

Chicago, IL 60630


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